controlling area selection

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Joined: Sat Sep 30, 2017 8:01 am

controlling area selection

Postby frompandora » Mon Feb 14, 2022 12:38 pm

I ugraded to the studio version and am finding the area selection tool really difficult to use. I had much more control over it in the previous version. popup suggestions keep getting in the way. Is there any way to turn them off ?

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Re: controlling area selection

Postby eadams » Tue Feb 15, 2022 8:01 am

frompandora wrote:I ugraded to the studio version and am finding the area selection tool really difficult to use. I had much more control over it in the previous version. popup suggestions keep getting in the way. Is there any way to turn them off ?

I am really surprised that you experience a difference in area selection using the studio version. According to the edition comparison list at, the only difference between the studio edition and the standard edition is that the studio version can be used as a plugin within Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Photoshop Elements. Have you tried testing how area selection works for you using the studio version as a standalone as opposed to using it as a plugin? If you only have problems using it as a plugin, the problem might be your stretching your memory capacity, since Photoshop is very memory intensive. I have many programs that crash or won't run at all when Photoshop is running in the background. I don't really know how plugins are affected in such a scenario though.

Popup suggestions don't get in my way, but maybe I get the same popups as you but they just don't bother me. In any case, under File - Settings there is a section on the General Tab for disabling pop up windows (which I have never bothered to use).

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