This forum describes all of the different filters available in Smart Photo Editor, you can ask questions about them too.
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Postby superdave » Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:18 pm

Copy shapes allows you to copy the shapes of the first input (typically your original image) onto the texture of another image loaded in from the "Add Image" button.

This works well when the original image has large shapes in it and the second input is a texture. To see what is going on easily you might have to enter a large value in the radius parameter (try typing in 200).

The Threshold slider will increase or decrease the difference between the minimum and maximum values thus permitting you to adjust the influence of the second image on your original. The Radius slider allows you to increase or decrease the amount of blur in your image whereas the Quality slider lets you enhance the final result.
The Area option lets you limit the effect to within a selection

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