This forum describes all of the different filters available in Smart Photo Editor, you can ask questions about them too.
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Postby superdave » Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:23 pm

This node lets you blur your image. The Radius slider allows you to increase or decrease the amount of blur in your image whereas the Quality slider lets you enhance the final result.

If you are using selections, Blur Type option allows you to control how the blur interacts with the pixels inside and outside of your selection:
  • Confined to selection ensures colors outside your selection will not leak into the blurred area. This results in a hard-edged clean blur.
  • Blur into selection leaks colors into your selection, but not out. This results in a soft-edged blur.
  • Blur out of selections leaks colors outside your selection. This also results in a soft-edged blur but, in addition, it also affects pixels outside the selection
  • Remove selection is for inpainting colors into very small areas (compared to the radius) in order to blur them out of a picture. You can set larger values of the radius than the slider allows by typing in numbers into the text box.

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