Favourites and Presets

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Favourites and Presets

Postby admin » Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:24 pm

Favorite Effects button
The Favorite Effects button on the right keeps track of all your favourite and recently used effects. There are two columns, Favorite Effects on the left and Recently Used Effects on the right.

Any effect you apply or shortlist will turn up in the Recent effects list. The shortlist itself is just a temporary list while you're in the gallery. The recent effects list is ordered by a combination of recency and frequency of use, so the ones you've used a lost recently will be at the top. Recent effects it will be automatically update whenever you use the gallery. Favorite effects are chosen by you and are not automatically updated, so you are in control.

You can manage your favourite effects by clicking on either the "<" or "Manage Favorites" button when hovering over the favorites button. This allows you to copy a recently applied effect into your favorites list. Or you can directly add effects into the favorites list by making sure "Show Ratings" is turned on in settings, and using the gold star to rate an effect as a favorite.

If there are any edits you frequently do (like a particular image treatment, some text you type in regularly, or even a set of area treatments), you can save them to turn up as a favorite. To do this, right click on the tab where you have done an edit and choose "Store Or Publish". You will be taken to the Tagging Effect panel, where you can give it a name and make it turn up in specific gallery sections. If you click "Tag For My Use Only" it will only be visible to you. If you click on Tag And Share Effect you will share it with the rest of the community and it will appear in all their galleries.

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